Monday, July 6, 2009

The New Chapter

it's the new semester... will be my second year in unimas for sure... last semester was a busy and complicated one where i had to admit i couldn't really organized myself; studies and JPK things... and yeah, my exam result too...not as good as the previous one.. sigh... now im hoping a better life in campus with new motivation and determination...


  1. result??? tau ba result ko tp diam2 ja...

  2. mst andrew ni kan??? yg telah melanggar perjanjian dan ICT ethnics

  3. Try harder this new sem! Don't repeat the same mistake! learn from it! :)

  4. DO your BEST in your STUDY and also in your religion.... never forget your responsibility to Allah SWT. Insyallah, ALlah akan membantu hamba2nya yang memohon kepadaNya. Tapi jangan sekadar berdoa sahaja, perlu di sia firstly, USAHA daripada kita dolok.... Baru akan hadirnya pertolongan dariNya. Insyallah..... Semoga berjaya di dunia dan juga di akhirat

  5. insyaAllah... thanks everyone... may Allah blesses ya'll


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